Capture the Winds

Elisa Markes-Young, 2020

Capture the Winds* is Elisa's largest artwork to date and was installed at Eaton Community College in 2020. This public art project, produced as part of the Percent for Art program, was conceptualised around the themes of change and transition, highly pertinent concepts in a school environment.

While Capture the Winds is open to interpretation, the artwork illustrates the processes of transition, change and growth that we go through when exposed to the ‘new' and the ‘other'. It hints at how identity is constructed, woven together from different strands of culture, knowledge, place, moments in time and encounters. 

Change can be stressful and scary but if you remain within the constraints of what you know, you lessen the chance of transcending your handed-down identity.

We need to ‘leave' to gain perspective and broaden our horizons. However, we don’t need to travel far to leave and we can leave in a metaphorical sense. Education offers us the opportunity of meeting new and, more importantly, different people, just as it offers a fresh knowledge of self. 

* “Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain.


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Design Process

Capture the Winds

Elisa Markes-Young, Capture the Winds, 2020

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