Nine: No Vacancy

Christopher Young

In 1984, my parents decided to take up the lease of a motel on the outskirts of a small village in New Zealand. In the early days they were very much dependent on heavy industry. In particular, an oil refinery that was under construction and a local dairy factory. However, once the construction of refinery was completed in 1986, bookings dropped off considerably.

Nine: No Vacancy will be a body of photographic and oral history work in regional locations including motels and hotels.

Please contact me on 0421 974 329 (Western Australia, GMT+8) should you be interested in purchasing work. All images are Lightjet prints and come in two sizes. Prices range from AU$1,058-$1,922 for individual prints.

800mm x 640mm. Edition of 5 + 2AP.
400mm x 320mm. Edition of 5 + 2AP.

Further to the above dimensions, images have a white border on all sides.

Framing can be included for your convenience and is done by a professional framer. This includes individual white frames, white matt boards with the prints behind glass.


Preview the series (under development)

Historical Imagery

Nine #02

Christopher Young, Nine #02, 2022
Thank you to Amanda, Anna, Dean, Elisa, Jen, Jim (†2013), Kyah, Lee, Michael, Morgan, Paola, Peter, Sue, Tony.
This project is being produced independent of any funding bodies and is entirely self-funded.
If the content of this project has raised issues for you or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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