Public Art Projects

Elisa Markes-Young - Do Sheep Dream of the Sea?

Burns Beach Primary School

Do Sheep Dream of the Sea? is a creative response to the history and stories of Burns Beach. The artwork consists of 13 sculptures placed throughout the Burns Beach Primary School grounds. With their curved lines, peaks, slopes, horizontal ridges and triangular shapes the pieces are suggestive of sails, tents and hang gliders.

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Elisa Markes-Young - Capture the Winds

Eaton Community College

Capture the Winds is Elisa's largest artwork to date and was installed at Eaton Community College in 2020. This public art project, produced as part of the Percent for Art program, was conceptualised around the themes of change and transition, highly pertinent concepts in a school environment.

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Christopher Young - Brownlie Towers

Brownlie Towers

Together with three photographic artists, Chris produced new work for the - since demolished - Brownlie Towers Project.

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